When can I cancel and what is the grace period for cancellation?
You are free to cancel both your hosting account and domain at any time. Domain: If you wish to cancel your domain, you need to disable auto-renew. Once auto-renew is disabled, any pending domain renewal invoices will be cancelled. Hosting Account: Hosting account cancellations must be submitted before the invoice due date and within a 5-day grace period after the due date to avoid the fees becoming overdue.Few readersWill there be a backup of my account once it’s cancelled?
Unfortunately, we do not guarantee a backup of your hosting account after cancellation, as backups are usually only retained for 30 days. We strongly encourage clients to download a personal backup of their account data to avoid the risk of not having a backup available. If you would like to request a backup restore, please contact our technical support team at helpdesk@elitehost.co.za or our billing department at billing@elitehost.co.za.Few readersHow do I cancel my service/hosting package?
To cancel your hosting package/service, please follow these steps: Log in to the Elitehost Client Area Click on Services and then select My Services. Locate the service you wish to cancel. Click on Manage Product. On the left-hand side menu, click Request Cancellation. Provide the reason for your cancellation. Select the cancellation type: Immediate or End of Billing Period. Click Request CancFew readersHow do I cancel a domain?
To cancel a domain, you simply need to disable its auto-renewal. This ensures that no future invoices will be generated for the domain’s renewal. To disable auto renewal for a domain, please follow these steps: Log in to the Client Area: Visit my.elitehost.co.za and enter your login credentials. Access Your Domains: Once logged in, click on Domains and then select My Domains from the dropdown menu. Manage the DomaiFew readersHow do I cancel a pending order?
Unfortunately, pending orders cannot be cancelled directly through your client area. To cancel a pending order, please open a ticket with our billing department at billing@elitehost.co.za and request that the order be cancelled. This action must be completed by our team.Few readersWhat is the difference between cancelling my hosting account and my domain?
Since hosting accounts and domains are separate services, cancelling one does not automatically cancel the other. If you cancel only your hosting account, your domain will remain active and billed on your profile. If you disable auto-renew for your domain, but do not cancel your hosting account, the hosting account will remain active and continue to be billed. Therefore, if you no longer require both the hosting account and the domain, we highly recommend that you ensure the hosting accoFew readersWhy am I still being billed for my cancelled account?
Even though your account has been cancelled and you no longer have access to the service, cancellation does not automatically clear any overdue hosting fees on the account. Any outstanding fees will still need to be settled, as we have already incurred the associated overhead costs on our servers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our billing department at billing@elitehost.co.za, and they will be happy to assist further.Few readersWhat is the cost to restore a backup of a cancelled hosting package?
To restore a backup of your cancelled hosting account, an admin fee of R200.00 per restore is charged due to the server admin time involved. However, please note that this is only possible if a backup is available. We recommend contacting our billing department first to check if a backup exists for your account. If a backup is available, our billing department will generate a backup restore invoice. Once the invoice is settled and the payment processed, our technical support team will proceed wFew readers