Getting Started with WHM
WHM (Web Host Manager) is a powerful web-based control panel that allows you to create and manage multiple cPanel accounts from one central interface. It is ideal for resellers who need to handle multiple websites and allocate resources. With WHM, you can create hosting packages, manage cPanel accounts, and perform administrative tasks such as DNS management and account suspensions. If you're new to WHM, follow these key steps to get started: Log in to WHM To begin, log in tFew readersHow do I log into WHM?
WHM (Web Host Manager) is where you manage multiple cPanel accounts and administrative tasks for your reseller hosting. Your WHM login details are provided in your welcome email. WHM can be accessed via a single-click button in your Elitehost Client Area or directly using your username and password. Below are the steps for both methods: Method 1: Log into WHM via Elitehost Client Area This is the easiest method, as it doesn’t require entering your username and password. Go to the EliFew readersHow can I create a package in WHM?
To create a new package within WHM, follow these steps: Log into WHM. In the left-hand menu, scroll down to the Packages section and click on Add a Package. In the Package Name field, enter a unique name for the package. Set the Resource Limits for the package: Disk Quota (MB): The amount of disk space allocated for the account. Monthly Bandwidth (MB): The total bandwidth allocation for the account. Max FTP Accounts, Max Email Accounts, Max Databases, Max Subdomains,Few readersHow do I create a cPanel account in WHM?
Creating a cPanel account in WHM allows you to assign resources and hosting features to a website or customer. Follow these steps to create a new cPanel account in WHM: Step 1: Log in to WHM To begin, log in to WHM using your WHM credentials. You can access WHM via or by clicking the WHM Login button in the Elitehost Client Area. For detailed instructions, refer to How do I log into WHM? Step 2: NavigateFew readersHow can I change a cPanel account domain name or username via WHM?
This guide will show you how to change the domain or username associated with a cPanel account using WHM. Steps to Change a cPanel User's Domain Name or Username: Log in to WHM. Access WHM using your reseller credentials. Navigate to List Accounts. In WHM, go to Account Information and click on List Accounts. Select the Account to Modify. Locate the cPanel account you want to change. Click the plus (+) icon on the left to expand the optiFew readersHow can I suspend or unsuspend a cPanel account in WHM?
As a reseller, WHM allows you to suspend and unsuspend your customers' cPanel accounts. Suspension is temporary, meaning you can later unsuspend the account if needed. This feature is often used when waiting for a payment or addressing other temporary issues. Steps to Suspend or Unsuspend a cPanel Account: Log in to WHM. Use your reseller credentials to access WHM. Navigate to List Accounts. In the left-hand menu, go to Account Information -List Accounts.Few readersHow can I change cPanel storage/disk quota in WHM?
This guide will show you how to directly change a cPanel account's storage/disk space quota in WHM. Steps to Change Disk Quota: Log in to WHM. Access WHM using your reseller credentials. Navigate to Quota Modification. Go to WHM -Account Functions -Quota Modification. Select the Account. Choose the cPanel account you want to modify and click Modify. Set the New Quota. Enter the desired quota in megabytes (MB) or select UnlimiFew readers